Sorry for the delay in posts! Dustin and I took a much needed vacation and my mind was finally cleared...when it was time to come home. Seriously, I've never had such a hard time trying to clear my mind before! Have you ever experienced that? You try and relax but EVERYTHING you forgot to do or need to do just keeps popping in your mind?

I have a tendency to write all the things I randomly remember on my hand, a napkin, or whatever else is mildly within reach. Then I wash my hands or throw away my napkin and *POOF* my ideas are gone. I've gone through calendars before that never work. They either don't have enough space to write or have too much (I don't want every single hour of my day written out!). I like to just jot down things not scheduled, say "remember to mow the lawn" or "buy lettuce." So I figured, why not come up with my own little way of keeping things organized? Just enough space for each day of the week and a reminder column for next week, as well as a place to jot down menu ideas and other random thoughts. PERFECT for me and I hope you find it useful, too!
Click here for a
Printable PDF of the file & happy organizing!
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