
MANAGING DEBT *free printable

I am a very organized person... most of the time.

But when it comes to organizing my bills, they tend to get pushed aside, shoved under something, or lost in the shuffle.  I have found it easier in the past to put them in a calendar, so I can mark what days payments are coming up.  But it never fails that I forget to buy a new calendar in January, thus leaving me without a good system.  But, aha!, I figure why not just create my own (easier to use) template that I can share with others? Therefore, I am proud to introduce Jamie's fool-proof bill system! 

One file is specifically for bills- just mark the bill that needs paid, the amount, check #, and date and voila - paid!  

The other file is to keep track of all those pesky debts we owe from school loans to mortgage payments to that credit card you just forget about sometimes.  Simply mark down what you owe and keep a running tab of how much remaining balance you have left at the end of the month!  
I printed mine out double sided so I would have my debts and bills in front of me at the same time, but you just do what you gotta do.  Hope it helps!  Let me know if you have a system you use to organize and pay your debts :)

Click below for links to the pdf versions:


what lurks in my closet

Hope everyone's holidays were superb this year!
Dustin & Doug getting creative in cooling the wort
My three weeks off school gave me additional time...which I filled up with work :(

Regardless, there was a time of rest and spiritual renewal as we traveled to Atlanta (5th time in a year!) for the Passion Conference (for more info, click here ).  

When we returned home on Saturday, I wanted to break into my Christmas gift from the hubby this year before work and school began again Monday.  So we did just that.  We made some beer!  I got an awesome (kinda confusing) kit from Dustin this year and realized it was going to take a hot minute to brew.  In reality, it took something like 6 hours from start to finish and we had to use a little creativity (and our friend Doug) for the cooling process.  We were lucky it had snowed enough to fill our bathtub!  

Now we must wait... but the closet in which the 5 gallons of goodness lurks smells scrumptious!!  Can't wait to bottle it :)
More to come....

**UPDATE** we bottled this brew on Thursday (1/17) so it should be ready to drink by Superbowl! yay!!


shop with a purpose this holiday

PixieWoodland Mix 'n Match Bangles
Like what you see? Yep, me too!  
I have been a huge advocate for Light Gives Heat for a few years, loving what they are doing in coordination with the people of Uganda.  I started out buying a kit to help spread the word.  As I resold the necklaces sent in my package, people started asking about what this company was (and what these awesome necklaces were made out of! Answer? paper!).  I had a few left and gave them out as Christmas presents to some of my girlfriends, all of whom LOVED the cute designs and loved supporting this organization.  The best part of unwrapping your necklace or bracelet is the card that comes with it, explaining who made this particular piece.  The beautiful photo and description helps the receiver gain a personal connection, allowing them to think of the individual and keep them in their prayers.  One friend, Kelley, actually keeps the card on her refrigerator.  

Light Gives Heat keeps their supporters up to date with awesome videos and new product information on their website, along with including me on an email list.   Click for LGH Videos
They also have great sales going on now with products for the Holiday Season.  Won't you think about supporting this great organization (and getting yourself or significant other something pretty in the process)?!  Visit them at: lightgivesheat.org


lackluster posts

My apologies for being less than excellent at keeping up with new postings... School has been kicking my butt this quarter but there's only 2 more weeks! Then - I promise - I will spend more time writing and crafting and baking and blogging!

(But here is a taste of what I have been creating)



Here's my one and only public opinion on the whole presidential race: no one will be able to absolutely fix anything.  Your life (if you are middle class and white like myself) will not change. If it does it, will be very minimal.  Those who will actually ve affected are the very rich and the very poor. Please take a minute to think about this and perhaps vote on their behalf - maybe more for the poor and oppressed. I vote on behalf of my undocumented neighbors who are not allowed to vote.  Thanks for the consideration and happy voting :)


Healthy choices

I just looked at a cupcake and decided to eat an apple instead. Go me!